*Offer valid through December 28, 2024 at 11:59 PM ET on FLOR tiles and Signature Rugs when you apply code BCMA2024 in the shopping cart. Offer cannot be combined with other offers or applied to a previous purchase. Offer applies to the order total before shipping and taxes. Shipping charges are based on item price before discount is applied. Offer excludes outlet items, samples, gift cards, accessories, and services. Prices shown in USD. For Canadian shipments, all taxes, duties, and brokerage fees may apply. Offer valid when shopping at FLOR.com or by calling 866.952.4093.
Looking for a pet-friendly rug for your furry companion? From pile heights to patterns, check out these tips and tricks for choosing the best rug for pets.
Life with four-legged friends can get messy, so choose a washable pet rug that’s easy to spot clean.
Learn MoreTo minimize visible pet hair, choose a color that closely matches your pet. For multicolored coats or multiple pets, consider a rug with a mix of patterns and colors.
Your pet is bound to spend time snoozing and playing on your rug, so make sure to choose one that’s free of harmful chemicals like formaldehyde and benzene, which are used in many rugs.
Learn MoreChoose a pile-height that's right for you and your pet. FLOR makes it easy for you to spot clean and vacuum when messes happen.
With washable soft yarns, long-lasting materials, and stylish designs, it’s easy to see why pets and their owners love FLOR’s pet-friendly area rugs.
Thanks to our carpet-tile design, FLOR area rugs make cleaning easy. Simply pick up a tile to clean or replace it, and never throw away a whole rug again. Plus, you’ll never need to throw away a whole rug when you can replace a damaged square.
Frequently Asked QuestionsFLOR rugs are designed to withstand high foot traffic, including paws and claws. Plus, replacing damaged tiles is easy.
Love your pets and your home at the same time with FLOR. With hundreds of colors and patterns to choose from, there’s something for every style and space.